Wilson 4G Signal Booster – DT4G

The Wilson DT4G is an all-band 4G booster that will work with all 4G network frequencies.  Traditionally mobile signal boosters would only work with individual frequencies which is fine if you are only using a single carrier but these days many 4G mobile broadband users and 4G phone users may have different carriers based upon the most competitive 4G price plans for their particular requirement.   Wilson-DT4G-4G-Signal-Booster The Wilson ST4G is a multi-frequency 4G signal booster which works with all 4G network frequencies, so in the UK it will work with 800Mhz, 1800Mhz and 2600Mhz so is suitable for O2 4G, EE 4G and Vodafone 4G services. This 4G Booster works by installing an outdoor antenna in a location where it can receive a 4G signal and running a cable from the outdoor antenna to the indoor repeater box and indoor antenna which will repeat the 4G signal within the building. DT4G_id

The Wilson Electronics DT4G cellular signal booster improves coverage not only for 4G mobile phone signals but also provides coverage for 3G and 2G data downloads.

The DT4G is designed to amplify cellular signals for multiple rooms inside your home or office. The DT4G provides reliable voice and data coverage inside today’s energy efficient but cellular unfriendly buildings.

The DT4G supports multiple simultaneous connections, and works with all cellular devices. Everything you need is in the box, so you can set it up yourself in minutes. As a result, you’ll see significantly fewer dropped calls and lost connections; faster data downloads on 4G and legacy networks,and a stronger, more reliable cell signal. The DT4G is priced at around £400.00.