Tag Archives: Manchester

Which UK City has the Best 4G?

Rootmetrics has used the results of its network tests to determine which UK cities delivered the best (and worst) 4G speeds, reliability, and overall performance during the first half of 2015. It compared 16 cities in England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland to find out which city’s residents were getting the best deal from their … Read More

Vodafone Upgrades from 4G to 4.5G

Today Vodafone has begun to roll out a new technology known as 4.5G or LTE advanced, although its technical name is Carrier Aggregation. This technology will improve Vodafone 4G customers’ service and will enable more users to access ultra-fast speeds. Vodafone will start to roll out 4.5G technology in three major cities, London, Birmingham, and … Read More

EE Provides 4G for UK Commuters

We recently wrote about the 4G coverage that EE will be providing to travellers and holiday makers on the Eurotunnel, but it seems that the network isn’t stopping there. EE is committed to making sure that the UK’s commuters have access to 4G on train routes and at airports across the country. An announcement from … Read More

Has Three Begun its 4G Rollout?

The launch of 4G from Three has been long awaited, not least due to the network provider’s promise of all-you-can-eat data and free upgrades. But have they already begun a staggered rollout of the 4G service? Three had promised that it would start to roll out its 4G network in December, but hadn’t given much … Read More